Service Tatars in the construction of military fortifications on the southern borders of Russia (1720–1730s)




service Tatars, duties, work orders, deportations to work, construction of fortresses, Kazan district, revision tales


The article is devoted to the study of individual issues of the participation of serving Tatars in military events of the 1720–1730s. The author drew attention to the duties of the service "heterodox", mainly related to military specifics: harvesting ship scaffolding, working as carpenters and sawmills at the shipyard, performing the duties of accountants, translators, etc. The article examines in detail the organization of the deportation in 1724 of 5 thousand service Tatars, Mordovians and Chuvashs for the construction of fortresses in Baku, the Kura River and the fortress of the Holy Cross. Comparing information from the personal lists of service Tatars sent for the construction of fortresses along 4 roads of the Kazan district with the materials of the 2nd revision, the author tried to find out the further fate of the participants, establish the approximate number of irretrievable losses and those who returned, and came to the conclusion that a significant part of the service Tatars returned home.

For citation: Faizrakhmanov I.Z. Service Tatars in the construction of military fortifications on the southern borders of Russia (1720–1730s). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2024, vol.14, no.1, pp.36–51. (In Russian)

Author Biography

Ilshat Zavdatovich Faizrakhmanov, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Сand. Sci. (history), Senior Researcher of the Department of History of the Volga and Cis-Urals Regions, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (Kazan, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0009-0006-3771-5298; e-mail:


Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1 (PSZRI-1). Vol.6, no.3884. Name decree "On the collection of recruits from the Mordovians, Cheremis and Tatars" dated January 19, 1722. (In Russian)

PSZRI-1. Vol.10. No. 7378. Name decree "On the recruitment of recruits, one person from ninety-eight souls" dated September 19, 1737. (In Russian)

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society (Collection of RHS). Vol.55. Saint Petersburg: I.N. Skorokhodov Publ., 1886. 503 p. (In Russian)

Collection of RHS. Vol.84. Saint Petersburg: I.N. Skorokhodov Publ., 1893. 745 p. (In Russian)

Collection of RHS. Vol.94. Saint Petersburg: I.N. Skorokhodov Publ., 1894. 872 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Faizrakhmanov, I. Z. (2024). Service Tatars in the construction of military fortifications on the southern borders of Russia (1720–1730s). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 14(1), 36–51.




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