Research and pedagogical personnel formation principles in the 1920s (by the example of Saratov institutes of higher education)


  • El’mira Faritovna Abubikerova Russian State University for the Humanities



higher school, Soviet government, research and pedagogical staff, scientific corporation composition, Saratov, 1920s


The article discusses the trends in the research and pedagogical personnel formation for the Soviet higher education in the 1920s. The main factors that influenced on the the quantitative and qualitative composition of the research and pedagogical community of Saratov institutes in the decade under review were identified. On the basis of archival material, the composition of the scientific corporation by party affiliation is analyzed. The activities of the authorities of a new category of scientists creation from among the workers and peasants are considered. Postgraduate study and promoted students institution are characterized.

Author Biography

El’mira Faritovna Abubikerova, Russian State University for the Humanities

Cand. Sci. (history), Associate professor of the Department of Contemporary Russian History, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russian Federation); e-mail:


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How to Cite

Abubikerova, E. F. (2023). Research and pedagogical personnel formation principles in the 1920s (by the example of Saratov institutes of higher education). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 13(1), 123–132.


