The socio-economic status of students of the Eastern Pedagogical Institute in the 1920s


  • Aliya Ildarovna Pershina Lyceum №273 named after L.Yu. Gladysheva



higher pedagogical education, students in the 1920s, the Eastern Pedagogical Institute, early Soviet everyday life, student life in the 1920s, life of students after the revolution, doctor F. Nansen mission, the European Student Relief


In the paper the socio-economic status of students is studied on the example of the Eastern Pedagogical Institute in the 1920s. Attention is drawn to the housing problem and ways to solve it, as well as to the main issues related to the social security of students: conditions for obtaining scholarships, preferential travel, medical support. Particular attention is paid to the work of the charitable organization "the European Student Relief", which acted on behalf of the famous traveler and philanthropist F. Nansen.

Author Biography

Aliya Ildarovna Pershina, Lyceum №273 named after L.Yu. Gladysheva

Cand. Sci. (history), teacher of history and social studies, Lyceum №273 named after L.Yu. Gladysheva (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation); e-mail:


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How to Cite

Pershina, A. I. (2023). The socio-economic status of students of the Eastern Pedagogical Institute in the 1920s. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 13(1), 111–122.


