History faculty of the Kazan state pedagogical institute / university: the trends of formation, development and interrelation with the Russian institutes of higher education





history faculty, Kazan, pedagogical institute, university, department, history education, history teacher, scientific and pedagogical staff, higher educational institutions of the USSR and Russia


The formation and development of the history department at the Kazan State Pedagogical Institute, which was established in 1934 simultaneously with the restoration of the history departments at Moscow State University and Leningrad State University, is characterized. The creation of a history department at KSPI (since 1994 – Kazan State Pedagogical University, since 2005 – Tatar State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University), a previously restored history department at Kazan State University, is justified by the preservation of the training of history teachers at the Eastern Pedagogical Institute in the 1920s, when all the history faculties in the country were transformed into backgrounds. The stages of historical education in KSPI-KSPU-TGGPU, the formation and activities of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the historical departments of the faculty and there ties with the higher education institutes of Russia are traced.

Author Biography

Oleg Vladimirovich Sinitsyn, Kazan Federal University

Dr. Sci (history), Professor of the Department of Historical and Social Science Education (on the basis of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Higher School of Historical Sciences and World Cultural Heritage of the Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russian Federation); e-mail: olvsin@yandex.ru


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How to Cite

Sinitsyn, O. V. (2023). History faculty of the Kazan state pedagogical institute / university: the trends of formation, development and interrelation with the Russian institutes of higher education. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 13(1), 52–62. https://doi.org/10.22378/2410-0765.2023-13-1.52-62


