Resources of the turkic-tatar discourse educational space of the Volga region. Late 19th century – 1930s


  • Tamara Yusufovna Krasovitskaya Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences



the resource of the Turkic-Tatar discourse, educational space, politics, the nature of the struggle, national needs, prospects for the creation of ethnic cultural products


Since the end of the 19th century, the resource of the Turkic-Tatar discourse in the Russian educational space required an adequate perception and assessment of development prospects. There were a number of problems on the way of its specialization in the practical sphere. Russia lagged significantly behind in the involvement of the non-Russian population in the educational practices of the state education system. The political practice of forming a common educational space for the entire population was dissonant with traditional educational institutions and their practices, although there were supporters of reforms among those. Both sides: the imperial center and the reformers of traditional schools understood modernization both as renewal on the old basis, and as a process organized and solved. The goals, seen differently by each side, determined the nature of the struggle: tough and diverse. The parties took an active position. A significant part of the population preserved the institutions and resources of their culture, claiming different degrees of political and legal self-activity.

Author Biography

Tamara Yusufovna Krasovitskaya, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Sci (history), Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation); e-mail:


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How to Cite

Krasovitskaya, T. Y. (2023). Resources of the turkic-tatar discourse educational space of the Volga region. Late 19th century – 1930s. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 13(1), 23–40.


