Book review: Rәdut – Nikitino: People. Developments. Facts (Orenburg, 2021)


  • Rustem Ravilevich Aminov Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


Nikitino, Tatars-Cossacks, Orenburg Cossack army, Nogais, Saraktash district


This review analyzes a book dedicated to the history of Nikitino, the settlement of the Tatars and Nogais of the Orenburg Cossack army. The team of authors are local teachers who have collected a huge amount of material and managed, having processed it, to turn it into a solid publication with extensive illustrations. The inclusion of a wide range of memories of local residents, perfectly revealing the features of the social life of the Nikitin people and allowing you to plunge into the atmosphere of those events is positively assessed.


Понятов С.Е. Желтый Яр. Оренбург: [б.и.], 1994. 104 с.

Рәдүт – Никитино: Люди. События. Факты / авторы-составители: А.Ш. Омарова, Г.М. Муртазина, С.Л. Шарипова, И.Х. Едиханова. Оренбург: ООО «Типография Южный Урал», 2021. 556 с.



How to Cite

Aminov, R. R. (2023). Book review: Rәdut – Nikitino: People. Developments. Facts (Orenburg, 2021). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(2), 185–188. Retrieved from



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