Revision lists of the taxable population of the 11th Bashkir canton for 1811 as a source of information about clerics and teachers


  • Ilshat Zavdatovich Faizrakhmanov Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Khalida Zinnatovna Bagautdinova Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


decree mullah, azanchey, cantonal administration system, Menzelinsk district, revision lists, 1811



The purpose of this work is to publish and introduce into research circulation information about the clergy and teachers of the 11th Bashkir canton, extracted from the revision tales for 1811. During the period under study, the 11th Bashkir canton included the population of the Bashkir and Meshcheryak estates living on the territory of the Menzelinsk district of Orenburg province, Yelabuga and Sarapul districts of the Vyatka province. An analysis of the source makes it possible to determine the degree of completeness of the materials presented, to some extent reconstruct the process of the transition of local religious elites from the “free state” to the “official” Islam controlled by the authorities in the context of strengthening state supervision over the local population by creating a cantonal system.


Национальный архив Республики Башкортостан (НА РБ). Ф.И-138. Оп.2. Д.104 а.



How to Cite

Faizrakhmanov, I. Z., & Bagautdinova, K. Z. (2023). Revision lists of the taxable population of the 11th Bashkir canton for 1811 as a source of information about clerics and teachers. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(2), 161–173. Retrieved from



Publication of the source