Epigraphic monuments of the cemetery of Ufa, which are associated with Rizaetdin Fakhretdin


  • Aydar Marsilevich Gaynutdinov Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


Rizaetdin Fakhretdin, Ufa, children of R. Fakhretdin, graves, tombstones, epitaphs, Ufa Muslim cemetery


The article is devoted to the description of epigraphic monuments associated with the name of the outstanding Tatar scientist, teacher, journalist, religious and public figure Rizaetdin Fakhretdin. These monuments have been preserved in the old Muslim cemetery in Ufa and are of great scientific importance, since they help to reveal some of the views and personal qualities of the scientist. The article describes and analyzes the tombstones installed on the graves of R. Fakhretdin himself and his children, and also provides some biographical information about them. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that epigraphic monuments that are directly related to R. Fakhretdin are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.


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How to Cite

Gaynutdinov, A. M. (2023). Epigraphic monuments of the cemetery of Ufa, which are associated with Rizaetdin Fakhretdin. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(2), 142–149. Retrieved from http://iknsp-journal.ru/index.php/iknsp/article/view/61


