The development of Muslim education in Sterlitamak of Ufa province (19th – early 20th centuries)


  • Ruslan Fanisovich Masagutov Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences; Society of Tatar Local Historians of the Republic of Bashkortostan


Sterlitamak, education, mektebe, madrasah, mudarriss, mugalim, scholasticism, philanthropist


The article defined the main directions in the education of the Muslim population of Sterlitamak in the 19th – early 20th centuries. The significant role of clergy and philanthropists in the modernization of the educational process is shown. The accessibility of Muslim educational institutions, the use of new method teaching contributed to an increase in the level of literacy among the population. The Sterlitamak Madrasah, whose building has survived to the present, had a high rating among similar institutions in the Ufa province, as evidenced by the wide popularity of its graduates. On the basis of archival materials, the author made a comparison of the teaching staff, the number of students and the duration of the training periods in different periods.


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How to Cite

Masagutov, R. F. (2023). The development of Muslim education in Sterlitamak of Ufa province (19th – early 20th centuries). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(2), 131–141. Retrieved from


