“This era in the history of the Tatars is very reminiscent of the time of Peter the Great…” (historical report by I.A. Kozlov “On the development of theater and music among the Tatars”)


  • Khalida Zinnatovna Bagautdinova Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Radik Ravilevich Iskhakov Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


I.A. Kozlov, Oriental club, orchestra, performances, Sayyar troupe, S. Ramiev, G. Tukay, G. Zaipin, G. Kariev, personal fund of N.V. Nikolsky


The publication presents a historical essay (report) of the composer, musical ethnographer and teacher I.A. Kozlov “On the course of development of theater and music among the Tatars” (1921) deposited in the personal fund of N.V. Nikolsky of the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Lobachevsky Scientific Library of Kazan Federal University. This work is an important historical source that reveals little-known facts from the life of the Tatar urban intelligentsia of Kazan at the beginning of the 20th century. The essay provides information about the formation of the Tatar professional musical art and theater, provides interesting facts from the life and work of Tatar musicians, singers, actors and writers.


Козлов. И.А. Пяти-звучные бесполутонные гаммы в татарской и башкирской народной музыке и их музыкально-теоретический анализ // Известия Общества археологии истории и этнографии. Т.34. Вып.1–2. Казань, 1928.

Миңнуллин Җ.С. Шәрык клубы: тарихи очерк. Казан: Заман, Татар. кит. нәшр., 2013. 95 б.

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Нигмедзянов М.Н. Татарская народная музыка. Казань: Изд-во «Магариф», 2003. 255 с.

Отдел рукописей и редких книг Научной библиотеки им. Н.И. Лобачевского Казанского федерального университета (ОРРК НБ КФУ). Ф.6. Д.21.

ОРРК НБ КФУ. Ф.6. Оп.1. Д.29.

Смирнов Л.М. Жизнь в музыке. Казань: Татар. кн. изд-во, 1972. 75 с.

Центра письменного и музыкального наследия ИЯЛИ им. Г.Ибрагимова АН РТ (ЦПиМН ИЯЛИ). Ф.18. Оп.1. Д.71.



How to Cite

Bagautdinova, K. Z., & Iskhakov, R. R. (2023). “This era in the history of the Tatars is very reminiscent of the time of Peter the Great…” (historical report by I.A. Kozlov “On the development of theater and music among the Tatars”). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(3), 88–115. Retrieved from http://iknsp-journal.ru/index.php/iknsp/article/view/45



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