The Vyatka province Zemstvos and local society interaction in the organization of medical care for wounded soldiers during the First World War


  • Anna Mikhailovna Subbotina Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


zemstvo, local self-government, zemstvo medicine, zemstvo doctors, All-Russian Zemstvo Union, hospitals, charitable activities, Red Cross, public organizations


The article explores the problem of how the zemstvo (local self-government) interacted with the local community when it opened hospitals in the Vyatka province and helped wounded soldiers in 1914‒1918. The author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the materials of the regional press, reports of the Vyatka governor, reports of Zemstvo councils, logs of meetings of Zemstvo assemblies, documents on the maintenance of patients. Vyatka province became a place of evacuation of the wounded and refugees due to its location. The article reveals the role played by the All-Russian Zemstvo Union and other public organizations in creating a network of special medical institutions for military personnel. The author notes the patriotic enthusiasm and active participation of various segments of local society in charitable assistance to the wounded at the beginning of the First World War. The Vyatka governor, government and self-government bodies played an organizational role in stimulating the charitable activity of the population. The author focuses on the selfless work of the zemstvo doctors, who combined work in hospitals for local residents and wounded soldiers. The article concludes that the relationship between the Zemstvo and the local society changed at the end of the war. The author explains the reason for this by financial problems, inflation, the food crisis, and the fatigue of the population. The Zemstvos were aware of the negative reaction of their taxpayers, but they decided to reduce medical services and increase their fees.


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How to Cite

Subbotina, A. M. (2023). The Vyatka province Zemstvos and local society interaction in the organization of medical care for wounded soldiers during the First World War. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(3), 81–87. Retrieved from


