Numismatic and epigraphic monuments of the Tetyush region


  • Elmira Kadymovna Salakhova Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


numismatics, epigraphic monuments, history of the Tetyushsk region, history of the Tatars, history of Volga Bulgaria


Tetyushsk district, which included the territories of modern Tetyushsk, Apastovsk, Kamsko-Ustinsk districts and part of the Buinsk district of the Republic of Tatarstan, was a remarkable region of the Volga region. This study examines historical monuments created on this land, and to designate the territorial boundaries of the study, the author uses the term “Tetyushsk region”. This land was part of Volga Bulgaria, and it also remained an important center of the Turkic-Tatar state during the period of the Juchi Ulus. Unfortunately, for a long time the study of historical monuments of the Turkic-Tatars was limited only to the territory of the modern city of Bulgar and its environs. Historical artifacts created in the right-bank part of the state undeservedly remained in the shadows.

The purpose of this study is to expand and deepen the diverse history of the Tetyushsk region through numismatic materials and epigraphic monuments, to emphasize its importance in the history of Volga Bulgaria and Juchi Ulus. The relevance of the research in this direction is beyond doubt, since a comprehensive study of historical material makes it possible to study in detail the history of not only this region, but also to fill in generally little-known pages of the history of the Tatar people.

The article focuses on the consideration of a rich numismatic material. Historically important treasures of coins were found on the territory of the Tetyushsk and Apastovsk districts, which were named in science as the “Karatunsk treasure” and “Atryasovsk treasure”. Silver dirhams were also found in other villages of the Tetyushsk region. Researchers have found that the mint of Volga Bulgaria was located near the Bulgarian city of Shonguta (now the territory of the Tetyushsk district). In the second part of the article, the author defines a complex of epigraphic monuments of the time of Volga Bulgaria and Juchi Ulus on the territory of the former Tetyushsk district, also indicates the places of ancient cemeteries of the ancestors of the Tatars.


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How to Cite

Salakhova, E. K. (2023). Numismatic and epigraphic monuments of the Tetyush region. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(3), 69–80. Retrieved from


