Social Behavior of Landlords in Relation to Serfs in the 1830s–1850s (on the example of the Kazan Province)


  • Yelena Valeryevna Mironova Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


Kazan province, 19th century, abuse of landlord power, serfs, household people, Kazan military governor, county leader of the nobility, guardianship


The article is devoted to the study of the social behavior of the nobles of Kazan province in the 1830s–1850s towards peasants and householders. The author examines the complaints of serfs against their owners, the procedure for investigating such cases and the decisions taken on them. The article shows the role of district leaders of the nobility in resolving conflict situations that arose between the landowner and the serfs. In addition, such a method of punishing those who abused the landowner's power as the transfer of the estate under guardianship has been studied. Examples of the condescending attitude of individual representatives of the authorities to the oppression of serfs are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Mironova, Y. V. (2023). Social Behavior of Landlords in Relation to Serfs in the 1830s–1850s (on the example of the Kazan Province). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(3), 62–68. Retrieved from


