The peasant movement in the Mari Land in 1919


  • Alexey Ananyevich Ivanov Mari State University
  • Tatyana Pavlovna Fedyaeva Mari State University


peasantry, “military communism”, appropriation of food surplus, agitation, Bolsheviks, peasant uprisings


The article provides an overview of the main events of the peasant movement in the Mari Land in 1919. Various types of peasant resistance are presented. The author tells about the influence of Soviet propaganda on the state of affairs in Kozmodemyansk district. The introduction of martial law in the Novotoryalsk parish is described here. The article reveals the course of events of the peasant uprisings in Shinshinsk, Pomarsk, Sotnursk parishes in the fall of 1919. A conclusion about the reasons for the peasant unrest is made.


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How to Cite

Ivanov, A. A., & Fedyaeva, T. P. (2023). The peasant movement in the Mari Land in 1919. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(3), 51–61. Retrieved from


