From the history of fair and market trade in the Kazan region (mid XIX – early XX century)


  • Khalida Zinnatovna Bagautdinova Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


bazaars, fairs, Kazan region, trade turnover, merchants


The article deals with the history of bazaars and fairs in the settlements of the Kazan region in the pre-revolutionary period. The procedure for opening markets and fairs in the Tatar and Russian villages of the Kazan and Tsarevokokshay districts is analyzed. The activity of the zemstvo in the development of trade was studied, the role of trade in the life of rural residents was assessed. Brief biographical information is given about the major merchants who received the greatest profit, their clerks. In the course of the study, it turned out that the largest turnover was in the bazaars of Arsk and Big Atni, the lowest – in the villages Russkiye Alaty and Big Kurguzi. Also, with the help of the data preserved in the archive, it was possible to establish the nationality of a number of merchants.


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Татарстан Республикасы Дәүләт архивы (ТР ДА). 1 ф. 4 тасв. 1000 эш.

ТР ДА. 2 ф. 2 тасв. 8336 эш.

ТР ДА. 3 ф. 1 тасв. 2440 эш.

ТР ДА. 3 ф. 1 тасв. 2243 эш.

ТР ДА. 3 ф. 1 тасв. 4572 эш.

ТР ДА. 3 ф. 1 тасв. 9407 эш.

ТР ДА. 3 ф. 1 тасв. 13606 эш.

ТР ДА. 3 ф. 1 тасв. 13830 эш.

ТР ДА. 81 ф. 1 тасв. 32 эш.

ТР ДА. 81 ф. 2 тасв. 169 эш.

ТР ДА. 81 ф. 2 тасв. 511 эш.

ТР ДА. 119 ф. 1 тасв. 36 эш.

ТР ДА. 119 ф. 1 тасв. 166 эш.

ТР ДА. 119 ф. 1 тасв. 725 эш.

ТР ДА. 413 ф. 1 тасв. 533 эш.



How to Cite

Bagautdinova, K. Z. (2023). From the history of fair and market trade in the Kazan region (mid XIX – early XX century). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(3), 20–28. Retrieved from


