Nevman Teregulov: Imam of the Tiflis Sunni Mosque and military mullah during the First World War


  • Khalim Minnullovich Abdullin Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences


Teregulov family, Tiflis Tatars, Tiflis Sunni mosque, military mullah, Caucasian Army, Nevman (Nauman) Rakhmetullovich Teregulov


The issues of settlement of the famous Tatar noble family of the Teregulovs are considered. The information about the famous representatives of the genus in different historical periods and in different parts of our country is given. The history of the settlement of historical Tiflis by Muslims, Volga Tatars, representatives of the Teregulov family is shown. The problem of statistical accounting of Azerbaijanis, who were called “Caucasian Tatars” during the period of the Russian Empire, and Volga Tatars is actualized. The history of the Tiflis Sunni mosque is described. The aspects of the appointment of the imam of the Tiflis city Sunni mosque Nevman (Nauman) Rakhmetullovich Teregulov to the post of military mullah of the Caucasian Army during the First World War are considered. The information about his promotions at the new place of service by the orders of the Russian Empire and the latest information about him found in the historical literature is given. There is also tragic information about his son, Ismail Nevmanovich Teregulov, who was shot during the years of Stalin's terror.


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How to Cite

Abdullin, K. M. (2023). Nevman Teregulov: Imam of the Tiflis Sunni Mosque and military mullah during the First World War. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(3), 5–10. Retrieved from


