The Caspian Campaign of Peter I in the Memorial Practices of the 19th century


  • Dmitry Sergeyevich Tkachenko North Caucasus Federal University


Caspian campaign, Peter the Great, memorial, commemoration, historical memory, Derbent, ideology



The article is about the memorial practices of the Caspian campaign of Peter the Great on the example of evolution of images of the Emperor’s visit to Derbent. Despite of the shortness of his stay at the Caspian coast, all the details of military complain and the Peter’s stay in Derbent was carefully investigated. The main object of the memorialization was the ‘Peter’s dugout’, the numbers of publications about the legends around their appearance made by contemporaries. Both the scientific community and the city’s military administration doubted its authenticity, but dugout became a peculiar ‘place of memory’ which carefully preserved. The propaganda of the connection of the Russian-speaking population of the city with the history of the region’s integration into the Russian Empire had an important political and ideological significance in the multinational city.


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How to Cite

Tkachenko, D. S. (2022). The Caspian Campaign of Peter I in the Memorial Practices of the 19th century. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(4), 167–173. Retrieved from


