Researcher of national history




S.Kh. Alishev, history of the Tatar people, historiography of the history of the Tatars, Russian colonization of the Middle Volga region


The article highlights the problems of scientific research, the creative biography of the great Tatar historian Salyam Khatipovich Alishev, who, having entered graduate school at the age of 34, achieved outstanding success thanks to his determination and enormous diligence, love for the craft of a historian and the desire to learn and write the true history of his native people. In the 1970–1980s, when the planned scientific topics of the majority of the employees of the sector of history were limited to the Soviet period, the achievements and successes of the Institute of Language, Literature and History in the study of the past of the Tatar people of the 15th – 19th centuries were largely determined by the works of S.Kh. Alishev.

For citation: Zagidullin I.K. Researcher of national history. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2024, vol.14, no.3, pp.172–185. (In Russian)

Author Biography

Ildus Kotdusovich Zagidullin, Center for Islamic Studies of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Dr. Sci. (history), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the Center for Islamic Studies of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (Kazan, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0000-0003-0501-2177; e-mail:


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How to Cite

Zagidullin, I. K. (2024). Researcher of national history. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 14(3), 172–185.



Scientific life