Real and imaginary privileges of foreigners in Russia under Peter I


  • Olga Konstantinovna Yermakova Institute of History and Archeology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


foreigners in Russia, foreign specialists, contract, epoch of Peter the Great, contracts, source analysis


It is known that during the Peter’s transformations the foreigners living in Russia has significantly increased in numbers. Foreign specialists were in demand in various spheres: shipbuilding, military affairs, art, science and education. Foreigners was recruited according of written contract which fixed the basic rights and obligations of employees. In addition, the general rules for the foreigners in Russia have been fixed in relevant legislation. Generally, according to the legal norms, the position of foreigners becomes more privileged, free and mobile at Peter’s time, comparing to the 17th century. At the same time, in practice, foreigners often had to face infringement of rights, violation of treaties by the Russian side, they also wasn't able to return homeland even after the completion of contracts. The article shows in what extent the foreigner could realize the privileges granted to him, which of them was real and which is only imaginary.


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How to Cite

Yermakova, O. K. (2022). Real and imaginary privileges of foreigners in Russia under Peter I. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 12(4), 113–121. Retrieved from


