In Memory of Mirkasym Abdulakhatovich Usmanov (1934–2010) (on the 90th anniversary of his birth)




Mirkasym Usmanov, scientist, writer, public life, source studies, history of the Tatars, Golden Horde


The article contains information about the life and work of an outstanding orientalist scientist, a talented teacher and writer, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Archaeological Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the Tatar PEN Center, widely known public figure Mirkasym Abdulakhatovich Usmanov (1934–2010). The main milestones of his life and creative path are reproduced, the results of his scientific research are characterized, his contribution to the study and development of source studies and historiography of the history of the Tatar people and Tatarstan is indicated. Particular attention is paid to the research of M.A. Usmanov on source studies of the history of the Golden Horde.

For citation: Khamidullin B.L. In Memory of Mirkasym Abdulakhatovich Usmanov (1934–2010) (on the 90th anniversary of his birth). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2024, vol.14, no.2, pp.154–167. (In Russian)

Author Biography

Bulat Lironovich Khamidullin, M.Khasanov Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia and Regional Studies of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Сand. Sci. (history), Senior Researcher, Head of the Center for the Tatar Diaspora Study, M.Khasanov Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia and Regional Studies of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (Kazan, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0000-0002-0585-350X; e-mail:


Aynutdinova L.M. Usmanov Mirkasym Abdulahatovich. Tatar online encyclopedia Tatarica. URL: (accessed: 27.02.2024). (In Russian)

Gilyazov I.A., Minnullin Z.S. Mirkasym Abdulahatovich Usmanov (1934–2010). Scientific Tatarstan. 2014, no.2, pp.7–12. (In Russian)

Usmanov M. Following the footsteps of manuscripts: notes of an archaeographer. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1984. 288 p. (In Tatar)

Usmanov M. On wild paths: notes on hunting, game and nature. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1966. 94 p. (In Tatar)

Usmanov M. Mysterious balbal: stories and essays. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1973. 167 p. (In Tatar)

Usmanov M. From the past to the future: scientific and journalistic articles. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1990. 472 p. (In Tatar)

Usmanov M. Moments of memory: memories. Compiled by D.M. Usmanova, D.G. Mustafina. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 2019. 367 p. (In Tatar)

Usmanov Mirkasym. Union of Writers of the Republic of Tatarstan. URL: (accessed: 27.02.2024). (In Tatar)

The History of the Tatars from ancient times: in 7 volumes. Vol.3. Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde) 13th – mid-15th centuries. Kazan: Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 2009. 1056 p. (In Russian)

Mirkasym Usmanov: historical, biographical, scientific and documentary collection. Series "Personalities". Kazan: Zhyen, 2014. 800 p. (In Tatar)

Mirkasym Usmanov is 50 years old. Kazan utlary. 1984, no.5, pp.177–178 (In Tatar)

Mirkasym Usmanov: Biobibliographic index. Compiled by Z.S. Minnullin. Kazan: National Book, 2004. 275 p. (In Tatar, Russian and English)

Mirkasym Usmanov: an outstanding historian from East Turkestan, who returned to the homeland of his ancestors. Billion Tatars. URL: (accessed: 02.27.2024). (In Russian)

Usmanov M.A. Granted acts of the Jochi ulus of the 14th – 16th centuries. Kazan: Kazan University Publ., 1979. 318 p. (In Russian)

Usmanov M.A. The cherished dream of Khusain Faizkhanov. A story about life and work. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1980. 223 p. (In Russian)

Usmanov M.A. Tatar historical sources of the 17th – 18th centuries: "Collection of chronicles". "Daftari Chingiz-name". "Tavarich-i Bulgaria". Tatar Shajaras. Kazan: Kazan University Publ., 1972. 223 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Khamidullin, B. L. (2024). In Memory of Mirkasym Abdulakhatovich Usmanov (1934–2010) (on the 90th anniversary of his birth). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 14(2), 154–167.



Scientific life