Vassan-Girey Dzhabagiev – Ingush friend of Gayaz Iskhaki




Gayaz Iskhaki, Vassan-Girey Dzhabagiev, Russian political emigration, Idel-Ural


The facts show that the great sons of the Tatar and Ingush peoples, two major figures of the political movement Gayaz Iskhaki (1878–1954) and Vassan-Girey Dzhabagiev (1882–1961) were not only acquaintances and like-minded people, but also close friends. Their paths crossed several times during different periods of their lives in St. Petersburg, Paris, Warsaw and Istanbul. Iskhaki was attached to the Dzhabagiev’s family and taught his children. This is evidenced by the article by V.-G. Dzhabagiev and the memories of his daughter Tamara Dzhabagi-Jankat Kamadzhioglu.

For citation: Sibgatullina A.T. Vassan-Girey Dzhabagiev – Ingush friend of Gayaz Iskhaki. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2024, vol.14, no.2, pp.100–113. (In Russian)

Author Biography

Alfina Tagirovna Sibgatullina, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Sci. (philology), Leading Researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation); ORCID 0000-0001-5755-8687; е-mail:


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How to Cite

Sibgatullina, A. T. (2024). Vassan-Girey Dzhabagiev – Ingush friend of Gayaz Iskhaki. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 14(2), 100–113.


