Book review: Lyubimov A.G., Novozhilova L.A. At the breaking: from the history of the Orenburg Cossacks: articles, essays (Chelyabinsk, 2023)




N.D. Kashirin, Orenburg Cossack Army (OCA), First World War (1914–1918), A.I. Dutov, Chelyabinsk region, Civil War (1917–1922), famine in the land of the OCA


This review is an analysis of a new collection of articles and essays on the history of the Orenburg Cossack army (OCA), covering mainly the period from 1914 to the 1930s. The work is replete with rich factual material, collected for the most part in the archives. Here the reader discovers information about the missing, wounded, killed Cossacks during the First World War (1914–1918) and the Civil War (1917– 1922). The authors focus their attention on the events that took place on the territory of the modern Chelyabinsk region. When publishing memoirs about N.D. Kashirin provides comments and brief information about the contemporaries of the events.

For citation: Aminov R.R. Book review: Lyubimov A.G., Novozhilova L.A. At the breaking: from the history of the Orenburg Cossacks: articles, essays (Chelyabinsk, 2023). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2023, vol.13, no.3, pp.161–166. (In Russian)

Author Biography

Rustem Ravilevich Aminov, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Сand. Sci. (history), Senior Researcher of the Department of History of the Volga and Cis-Urals Regions, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (Kazan, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0009-0009-6052-4184; e-mail:


Lyubimov A.G., Novozhilova L.A. At the breaking: from the history of the Orenburg Cossacks: articles, essays. Chelyabinsk: A. Miller Library, 2023. 158 p. (In Russian)

Nazyrov P.F. Agrarian relations in the South Urals during the Civil War. Chelyabinsk: Encyclopedia Publ., 2009. 260 p. (In Russian)

Safonov D.A. Torch over the abyss The 1917 Revolution and Civil War in Southeast European Russia. Orenburg: Orenburg State University, 2017. 407 p. (In Russian)

Futoryansky L.I. Cossacks of Russia in the Fire of the Civil War (1918–1920). Orenburg: Orenburg State University, 2003. 474 p. (In Russian)

Futoryansky L.I. Cossacks of Russia on the eve of the Civil War (October 26, 1917 – March 1918). Orenburg: Press Agency LLC, 2000. 97 p. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Aminov, R. R. (2023). Book review: Lyubimov A.G., Novozhilova L.A. At the breaking: from the history of the Orenburg Cossacks: articles, essays (Chelyabinsk, 2023). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 13(3), 161–166.



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