In memory of Alter Lvovich Litvin (1931–2023)




A.L. Litvin (1931–2023), historiography, source study, history of Russia of the Soviet period, life, activity, scientific work


The publication contains information about the life and work of an outstanding scholar, Doctor of historical sciences, Professor, historian Alter Lvovich Litvin, who passed away on March 6, 2023. The basic milestones of his life and creative way are reproduced, the results of his scientific research are described, and his contribution to the study and development of historiography, source study, archeography and history of Soviet society is revealed. Special attention is given to the research of A. Litvin on the history and historiography of the Russian Civil War and the history of the so-called “petty bourgeois” socialist parties as well as his groundbreaking studies of red and white terror in Russia which are highly regarded by both Russian and foreign historians. The significant place in A.L. Litvin's creative heritage is taken by his works on regional history – books and publications of sources about Civil War in the Volga region, about the bodies that carried out «revolutionary violence» – provincial Emergency Commission (Cheka) and its staff, about the tragic fate of their victims. The article shows organizational and pedagogical activity of A.L. Litvin as a founder of department of historiography and source study at Kazan University and founder of scientific school.

Fot citation: Malysheva S.Yu., Salnikova A.A. In memory of Alter Lvovich Litvin (1931–2023). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2023, vol.13, no.2, pp.143–150. (In Russian)

Author Biographies

Svetlana Yur’evna Malysheva, Kazan Federal University

Dr. Sci. (History), Professor, Professor of the Department of Russian History, Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0000-0002-4442-4580; e-mail:

Alla Arkad’evna Salnikova, Kazan Federal University

Dr. Sci. (History), Professor, Professor of the Department of Russian History, Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0000-0002-5498-1401; e-mail:


Two Investigative Cases of Eugenia Ginzburg. Compiled by A.L. Litvin. Kazan: Book House Taves Publ., 1994. 267 p. (in Russian)

Kazan Province Extraordinary Commission (1917–1922): collection of documents and materials. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1989. 142 p. (in Russian)

Keep J., Litvin A.L. The Age of Iosif Stalin in Russia. Modern historiography. Moscow: ROSSPEN Publ., 2009. 327 p. (in Russian)

The Left Socialist Revolutionaries and the Cheka: collection of documents. Compiled by V.K. Vinogradov etc.; scientific ed. by A.L. Litvin. Kazan: NTK Publ., 1996. 400 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. “File into the Archive...”. Kazan: Tatknigoizdat Publ., 1986. 198 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. Without the Right to Think (Historians in the Age of Great Terror. Sketches of Fates). Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1994. 189 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. Ban on Life. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1993. 222 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. From the History of the Struggle of the Local Press for Strengthening the Rear of the Eastern Front in 1918–1919. Kazan: Kazan University Publ., 1961. 40 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. To the History of Attempts on Lenin in 1918. Kazan: Romanov E.G. Publ., 2021. 62 p. (In Russian)

Litvin A.L. Kazan: Time of the Civil War. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1991. 172 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. Red and White Terror in Russia. 1918–1922. Kazan: Tatar Newspaper and Magazine Publ., 1995. 326 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. The Peasantry of the Middle Volga Region during the Civil War. Kazan, 1972. 304 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. Russian Historiography of State Terror in the Country 1917–1953. Moscow: Sobranie Publ., 2019. 362 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. Investigative Case of Yakov Ossovsky. Kazan: Kazan State University, 2006. 45 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L. Soviet Historiography of the Civil War in the Volga Region. Kazan: Kazan State University Publ., 1988. 134 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L., Mukharyamov M.K. The Decisive Frontier. Kazan: Tatar Book Publ., 1978. 168 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L., Ovrutsky L.M. The Left Socialist Revolutionaries: Program and Tactics (Some Questions). Kazan: Kazan State University Publ., 1992. 142 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A.L., Panyukov V.N., Titov L.N. Defending the Revolution. Chekists of Tatarstan in the First Years of Soviet Power. 1917–1922. Kazan: Tatknigoizdat Publ., 1980. 238 p. (in Russian)

Mensheviks in Soviet Russia: collection of documents. Compiled by V.K. Vinogradov etc.; scientific ed. by A.L. Litvin. Kazan, 1998. 229 p. (in Russian)

The Menshevik Process of 1931: collection of documents. Compiled by A.L. Litvin. Moscow: ROSSPEN Publ., 1999. Book 1. 637 p.; Book 2. 486 p. (in Russian)

Spirin L.M., Litvin A.L. In Defense of the Revolution: Lenin and the RCP(b) during the Civil War: a historiographical essay. Leningrad: Leningrad Publ.,1985. 272 p. (in Russian)

Fanny Kaplan. Or Who Shot Lenin? Collection of documents. Compiled by V.K. Vinogradov etc.; scientific ed. by A.L. Litvin. Kazan: Tatar Newspaper and Magazine Publ., 1995. 191 p. (in Russian)

Litvin A., Keep J. Stalinism: Russian and Western Views at the Turn of the Millennium. London; New York: Routledge Publ., 2005. 248 p. (In English)



How to Cite

Malysheva, S. Y., & Salnikova, A. A. (2023). In memory of Alter Lvovich Litvin (1931–2023). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 13(2), 143–150.



Scientific life