In memory of Ziya Kamali (1873–1942) (to the 150th anniversary of his birth)




Ziya Kamali (1873–1942), Ufa, Galiya Madrasah, women's courses, Tatar periodical press, Tormysh newspaper


The year 2023 will be marked by the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian Muslim religious and public figure, theologian, teacher-reformer and educator Ziya Kamali (1873–1942). Anniversary events can serve as a good tool for analyzing trends and prospects for studying the creative heritage of the thinker. The relevance of the topic is due to the growing interest of researchers in the heritage of the thinkers of the Muslim East, the historical experience of various cultural and civilizational traditions in the modern multicultural and multi-confessional society in Russia and globalization in the world. This publication is intended to reflect the main milestones in the life and career of the hero of the day. Particular attention is focused on the personal contribution of Kamali to the formation and development of the Jadid Madrasah "Galiya" (Ufa, 1906–1919), as well as the Tatar women's education in Ufa. Under the leadership of Kamali, Galiya Madrasah became one of the leading Russian Muslim educational institutions, and the summer pedagogical courses organized by the Tatar theologian turned into a kind of educational and methodological center for Russian Muslim teachers. Descriptions are based on prior literature. In addition, for the reconstruction of the creative biography of the famous Jadid, both unpublished archival materials and published sources, in particular, the Tatar pre-revolutionary press, were involved.

For citation: Akhtyamova A.V. In memory of Ziya Kamali (1873–1942) (to the 150th anniversary of his birth). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2023, vol.13, no.2, pp.128–142. (In Russian)

Author Biography

Alsu Vazikhovna Akhtyamova, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Сand. Sci. (history), Senior Researcher of the Department of History of the Volga and Cis-Urals Regions, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (Kazan, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0000-0003-0076-0731; e-mail:


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Teacher courses. Tormysh [Life], May 20, 1915. (In Tatar)

At the opening ceremony of women's teacher training courses in Ufa. Collective photo. Ufa, May 17, 1915. Tormysh [Life], August 15, 1915. (In Tatar)

Photo of the Galiya religious Madrasah. 1906–1916. Tormysh [Life], December 24, 1916. (In Tatar)

Samad. Solemn Majlis dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Galiya religious Madrasah. Tormysh [Life], December 30, 1916. (In Tatar)

Samad. Solemn Majlis dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Galiya religious Madrasah. Tormysh [Life], January 3, 1917. (In Tatar)

In Ufa. Tormysh [Life], January 29, 1915. (In Tatar)

In Ufa. Tormysh [Life], May 28, 1915. (In Tatar)

In Ufa. Tormysh [Life], June 29, 1916. (In Tatar)

In Ufa. Tormysh [Life], October 1, 1916. (In Tatar)

Galiya religious Madrasah in Ufa. Vakyt [Time], August 17, 1907. (In Tatar)

In Ufa. Summer courses. Tormysh [Life], May 3, 1916. (In Tatar)

From members of the Board of Trustees of the Galiya religious Madrasah in Ufa. Tormysh [Life], August 28, 1915. (In Tatar)



How to Cite

Akhtyamova, A. V. (2023). In memory of Ziya Kamali (1873–1942) (to the 150th anniversary of his birth). From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 13(2), 128–142.



Scientific life