Re-Islamization of baptized Tatars during the revolutions of the early 20th century: on the example of the Apazovo village of the Kazan district


  • Liliya Ramilevna Gabdrafikova Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences; Federal Research Center “Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”



Kazan province, Zakazan’e, Baltasinsky volost, history of tatar villages, christian missionary work, Revolution of 1905–1907, Tatar everyday life


The article examines the difficult period in the history of the Apazovo village of the Kazan district of the Kazan province – 1905–1917. During the first Russian revolution baptized Tatars renewed their movement to return to Islam. We used different focuses to analyze this rural community: socio-economic ties, an Orthodox parish, an illegal Muslim community, leaders and outsiders of a religious movement. Markers of the Muslim subjectivity of the population of Apazova were different religious practices. Conflicts and conformity in the community correlated with different phases of the 1905–1907 revolution. There are the main motives that led to the change of religious attitudes. It is important that in addition to external forces (Orthodox missionaries, Muslim Tatars), the religious movement had internal resources: an active middle generation and the female factor.

Fot citation: Gabdrafikova L.R. Re-Islamization of baptized Tatars during the revolutions of the early 20th century: on the example of the Apazovo village of the Kazan district. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2023, vol.13, no.2, pp.53–72. (In Russian)

Author Biography

Liliya Ramilevna Gabdrafikova, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences; Federal Research Center “Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”

Dr. Sci. (history), Chief Researcher of the Department of Modern History, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences; Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Multifactorial Humanitarian Analysis and Cognitive Philology, Federal Research Center “Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (Kazan, Russian Federation); ORCID: 0000-0002-9940-9097; е-mail:


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How to Cite

Gabdrafikova, L. R. (2023). Re-Islamization of baptized Tatars during the revolutions of the early 20th century: on the example of the Apazovo village of the Kazan district. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region, 13(2), 53–72.


